Monday, May 19, 2014

Being able to drive

   being able to drive is both exciting and scary. Its exciting for you because you don't need your parents to drive you around anymore you can do it. Its also fun because you don't have to wait for your parents to finish something to hang out with your friends you can just go do it by yourself. You are trusted more to do things by yourself without your parents help, you also are expected to pay attention in both your classes for driving and on the road.
             Its scary for both your parents and yourself. Its scary for your parents because they are scared that you will do something bad on the road and will end up running into something or someone and hurt yourself and others. Its scary for you because at first you are excited to be able to drive but also scared for being trusted to drive a car and someone else's car. Its also scary when you end up driving in the wrong lane and get run into by someone else or someone tailgates you and you don't know what you do.
             It really is fun to drive in high school because you feel grown up and able do much more then you could when you were younger and just a kid. People really trust you when you can drive because you are older then you were.

This Week

This week our bloggers will be posting their favorite blogs from their own personal page. Keep watching so you can read the new and interesting blog!

Miley Cyrus.. What happened!?

     As teenagers we are quickly to judge something that is out of the ordinary. We all know that Miley Cyrus is the new person that spikes someones interest when her new music videos come out. Everybody at school is talking about something new she did at some award show or how bad her music videos are. Let me just tell you now, Miley Cyrus is doing these things to get attention. Cyrus went downhill soon after her show on Disney Channel went off air. Cyrus soon started coming out with music videos that caught people's attention, most of them very inappropriate. Miley Cyrus kicked her voice up a few notches, the voice of young Cyrus was little shaky and not the best, but Cyrus came back with an amazing voice. Not only are people making fun of this singer, they are in love with her songs.

          Miley Cyrus does crazy and insane things, inappropriate videos come out from her album singles and they catch people's attention. Cyrus does not crave attention, she is showing people who she is and she is showing them that she is not this sweet little Hannah Montana anymore. Teenagers see this, they all do not want something like this in their society and hearing about the next crazy thing she has to do.  To be honest hearing the next inappropriate thing that Miley Cyrus does is getting a little old, I do not want to hear that a celebrity is making another silly choice. Cyrus is her own person, I am not trying to fix her or get her to be a better person, I am simply saying along with many others, think before you act. Cyrus is a great vocalist and she was a great actress, we would never ask for the ''innocent'' Cyrus back, she is her own person and she is getting popular at a fast rate. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

top 10

Top 10: favorite experiences from high school
  • Making friends
  • playing new sports
  • learning new things
  • creating new memories
  • helping others
  • having fun
  • being able to drive
  • getting a date
  • going to dances
  • going to parties
to know more about being able to drive and another one check out our own blogs

Thursday, April 3, 2014

overview of first or favorite

Check out our first or favorite experience of surviving high school on our blogs that we have linked at the top of the blog

overview of link review

check out the side and see our top 10 links that is similar to our blog to try something new

Monday, March 24, 2014

Survivng High School : Popularity

              Some people may think being the ''popular'' girl in the school is the easiest thing in life, well it's not and usually never is. So many people in high school expect you to be the most perfect angel that gets all A's, but really that's not the case. Judment is all over the school in the first place but as soon as someone hears some ''rumor'' about you it's all over the school within five minutes time. All this drama gets really old, being the popular isn't the life everyone wants.

              Being in sports and being talkitive is the main reason girls and boys now are popular. The populars look like they may not have things going on at home or maybe feeling down because of all the things people say about them, but that's not always the case. I first hand know how that feels, my parents have been divorced since I was six months old and my parents fight every single time they talk either on the phone or in person. The rumors I hear about myself sometimes make me chuckle because I know no way that people would believe something that ridiculous, but sometimes rumors get way out of hand. Rumors reach teachers or the principle and then soon get to your parents, then trouble comes at home along with mom and dad fighting.

              I know there are popular girls and boys that are jerks but instead of just assuming that's all there is to them think before you speak about why they might be jerks to you, maybe it's a way to get through things at home. Popularity seems like the life to a lot of people at school but when you here about the things that are said to you, it's not always easy to just brush it off. Words speak louder than anything, so before saying something about someone who is popular at your school or starting a rumor, think about how it would affect them and not just because you want some attention.

              Life as the popular girl has it's moments, it's fun to be able to have a great time with all the friends you have and goof off at school, but when you get down to the details there isn't always a bright side to popularity. School is easy as the popular girl, you get along with everyone, but please think before you speak about someone.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Intro to us

                  The country girl 

                     The shy girl 

                  The popular one